I ove se godine, kao i ranijih godina, u Gradskoj knjižnici Slavonski Brod održala vesela likovna radionica: "Školjka, jedro - čamac" koju su vodile: Darija Matajić- Agičić, Suzana Čerenko, Vesna Udovičić i Ljubica Mirković. Veselu radionicu organizirao je Dječji odjel Gradske knjižnice, a sudionici su bili učenici OŠ Stjepana Radića iz Oprisavaca podjeljeni u četiri skupine. Zadatak prve skupine bio je nacrtati jedro i ribara Palunka, dok su se ostale tri skupine pozabavile oslikavanjem školjki napravljenih od tijesta i glinamola. U školjkama će biti napisane poruke dobra, poručene svoj djeci i odraslima. Saznali smo da su sudionici veoma zadovoljni te da im je sve bilo zanimljivo, jer ipak je ovo jedno novo iskustvo i doživljaj.
Romana Ele, 6. E, Antun Mihanović
This year, as well as the years before, a cheerful art workshop "Shell, Sail, Boat" took place in the City Library of Slavonski Brod. It was led by: Daria Matajić - Agičić, Suzana Čerenko, Vesna Udovičić and Ljubica Mirković. The cheerful workshop was organized by the Children department of the City library, and the participants were the pupils of the Elementary School of Stjepan Radić from Oprisavci divided in four groups. The first group had to draw the fisherman Palunko (a character in te fairy-tale By Ivana Brlić Mažuranić) and his sail, as for the other three groups were busy on painting the shells made of pasta and children doh-mud. In the shells messages of welfare will be written, supposed to be sent to kids and adults. We have found out that the participants were very pleased, and that this project was very interesting, due to a new experience.
Romana Ele, 6. e, OŠ Antun Mihanović
(Translated into English by Sara Radojičić, Domagoj Dasović, Karlo Trbojević)